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Want To Know The Secret Behind Soft Plumpy Lips? Try This Organic Homemade Lip Serum

It's always an argument on the topic of using store-bought lip-balms and serums mainly due to their harsh chemical properties and ineffectiveness. But during peak summer time due to lack of water content in the body your lips start to dry out and the same issue is faced during winters; chapped and flaky lips. As irritating as it may feel, you still continue to use the lipbalms from store knowing well they aren't benefitting you with your cause. But there is a solution to your chapped and dry lips and its right in your home. What if you try to resort to using only homemade lip serums and just stop using the chemically made lipbalms? Let me tell yo how simple it is to make with minimal ingredients and is just worthwhile. Speaking of effectiveness, yes it is absolutely effective and free of chemicals. This Lip serum recipe was simply experimental but surprisingly it turned-out to be a wonder for me. With just 3 basic ingredients this lip serum was ready in no time. Rose has medici

My Mind-Blowing Blackhead Removal Treatment At Home. Your Dermatologist Could Never.

Just accept the fact that you and everyone have little-to-too many potholes on your nose, chin, and forehead. You don't wanna admit because they are embarrassing.

Let's first know what Blackheads are:

What Are They?
Blackheads are minute bumps that are found mainly on your nose, chin, forehead, neck, etc (basically the T-zone). The bumps are clogged pores of hair follicles that secret oil profusely. And when the oil comes in contact with air, it accumulates dirt from the air and look like dark spots.

Do They Proliferate?
Blackheads can spread to other regions of the face if they are not treated regularly and properly. 

How to avoid blackheads from proliferating?
  • Change your bedsheets and pillow covers: I personally, put a clean towel on my pillow and very often I handwash it with a mild soap.
  • Wash your face: At least 2- 3 times a day wash your face to avoid dirt and oils from clogging your pores.
  • Eat salads and drink water: I remember my sister saying that eating salads is helpful in reducing blackheads. Since then I've relied heavily on salads and kept myself hydrated. The results I witnessed were- less oil secretion and clear glowing skin. 
  • Massaging oils: Oil massage is good for skin but I don't think it is good for oily skin. As it is widely recommended that oily skin people should use water-based beauty products since they already have much oil under their skin. Blackheads are prone to oily skins and not dry ones.
Are there professional blackhead extraction treatments?
If you are not satisfied with home remedy results, then you may consult your dermatologist and share your concern.
  • Professional Extraction: The plugs in blackheads pores are carefully removed by a looped metal extracting tool by an expert.
  • Laser blackhead removal: In this method intense pulsed light lasers and a vacuum is used on the affected area to remove the dead skin and extra sebum.
  • Chemical Peels: This technique helps in the removal of the top layer of the skin reducing the growth of blackheads faster.
My Home Remedies for Blackhead extraction. (Step by step method with images)

As long as I can remember I have suffered severely with blackheads on my nose. A closeup view of these mining holes on my nose look so disgusting, I couldn't help but cringe. I didn't dare to go close to anyone, lest they will clearly see the black pepper sprinkled on my nose and think twice before approaching me. 

The struggle actually ended when eventually I tried out several methods that successfully extracted the blackheads and cleansed my pores. It seemed like they cleansed my soul. I put all the methods in order and came out with the best results. 

The process I will be showing you is very less time consuming and cheap. I don't want to use expensive products, I'd rather find the solution at home that is cheap and quick.

Step 1: Steam your face. I'd recommend you to steam your face for about 5 mins. This will help the pores on your nose and other regions of your face to open up. The masks you will then be applying can easily and effectively seep through the skin.

Step 2: Now that you have steamed your face entirely you may as well apply a full face mask. 
Option 1: My basic and quick face mask is 
  • 1 tsp chickpea/gram flour
  • 1/2 tsp organic turmeric powder
  • lemon extract/milk/yogurt or just water to bind it into a paste
Apply this mask all over the face and leave it for 15-20 mins before washing it off.

Option 2: If your focus is only your nose, then use
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • lemon extract or just water to bind it into a paste.
Apply it evenly on your nose and leave it for not more than 5 mins since baking soda is harsh, it may damage your skin and cause irritation if you leave it for long, so let's not take the risk. Gently scrubbing it in a circular motion, rinse it off with water.

Step 3: Wait for a few mins and the use Blackhead Peel Off Nose Strip. Follow the direction on the pack. Now that your skin has become super soft and the pores are open, this strip can extract maximum dirt.

Step 4: Lastly, after a few mins of wait, apply a layer of a good charcoal blackhead peel-off mask (preferably from Garnier). Peel it off after a few minutes.

Step 5: Your nose is deeply cleansed. Now is the time for toner. Toner helps to shrink the enlarged pores. So as I already said that I will not be using any expensive commercial product, I'm still going to stick to my promise. I have therefore used an ice cube as my natural toner. Rub an ice cube all over the face and especially the nose and see how the pores shrink after a few minutes.

That's it! That's the procedure. The whole process may take 30-35 mins max but it is worth trying. 

Do share your ideas and experiences about blackhead extraction in the comments.

It is all about having a friendly conversation here at DULCIE DREAM! I would love to hear you share your thoughts, ideas, and projects that you tried out. 

Comment below and be sure to check back again, because I make every possible effort to reply back to your comments.
