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Want To Know The Secret Behind Soft Plumpy Lips? Try This Organic Homemade Lip Serum

It's always an argument on the topic of using store-bought lip-balms and serums mainly due to their harsh chemical properties and ineffectiveness. But during peak summer time due to lack of water content in the body your lips start to dry out and the same issue is faced during winters; chapped and flaky lips. As irritating as it may feel, you still continue to use the lipbalms from store knowing well they aren't benefitting you with your cause. But there is a solution to your chapped and dry lips and its right in your home. What if you try to resort to using only homemade lip serums and just stop using the chemically made lipbalms? Let me tell yo how simple it is to make with minimal ingredients and is just worthwhile. Speaking of effectiveness, yes it is absolutely effective and free of chemicals. This Lip serum recipe was simply experimental but surprisingly it turned-out to be a wonder for me. With just 3 basic ingredients this lip serum was ready in no time. Rose has medici

Eggless Chocolate Mousse | Ramadan Special Recipe

Is it just me or does everyone go through these lil cravings during Ramadan, where everything legit looks like chocolate? Last night, I was watching one of the top trending Arabic series, and I stopped midway just to think how long it's been since I didn't have a bar of chocolate (not that I'm a big fan of chocolate but sometimes this chocolate-yarning gets so deep. Don't believe it, just ask a chocolate-addict who has made it without chocolate for at least a day). I ran to the kitchen and explored the whole fridge, dugged into my plastic containers then finally found one bar of Mars in the container. Good Heavens! That was the last bar. So that's when I decided there and then that ill try to make some easy and quick chocolate recipe. I pondered for a moment and finally settled on this first-class, bosker recipe.

160ml, Evaporated Milk
170gm, All Purpose Cream 
1/4 cup granulated white sugar
1/2 cup chocolate chips
2 tsp cornstarch
1 tbsp gelatin

Begin the process by incorporating the evaporated milk, All Purpose Cream (i prefer Nestle Cream Original) sugar and cornstarch in a saucepan. Turn on the flame and keep mixing to avoid the contents from sticking to the bottom. While the milk is getting heated up, mix gelatin in hot water and keep it aside. Next microwave the chocolate chips in a bowl to melt. Now while the milk is ready, gently mix the melted chocolate and gelatin. To avoid the cornstarch lumps it is necessary to strain the batter.

When the contents are mixed well, pour the strained batter in a cake/bread tin lined with parchment paper or just half-pour it in glasses or bowl (just anything that you prefer) and chill it for at least 5 hours. Before serving, dust some cocoa powder on the top or top it with whipped cream. 
