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Want To Know The Secret Behind Soft Plumpy Lips? Try This Organic Homemade Lip Serum

It's always an argument on the topic of using store-bought lip-balms and serums mainly due to their harsh chemical properties and ineffectiveness. But during peak summer time due to lack of water content in the body your lips start to dry out and the same issue is faced during winters; chapped and flaky lips. As irritating as it may feel, you still continue to use the lipbalms from store knowing well they aren't benefitting you with your cause. But there is a solution to your chapped and dry lips and its right in your home. What if you try to resort to using only homemade lip serums and just stop using the chemically made lipbalms? Let me tell yo how simple it is to make with minimal ingredients and is just worthwhile. Speaking of effectiveness, yes it is absolutely effective and free of chemicals. This Lip serum recipe was simply experimental but surprisingly it turned-out to be a wonder for me. With just 3 basic ingredients this lip serum was ready in no time. Rose has medici

Bottle This Homemade Pizza Sause And Preserve It For As Long As You Can

On a scale of 1-10, how often do you bake pizzas at home? While everyone prefers ordering pizzas from outside, a passionate cook's dream is to serve her own homemade pizza for her friends and family that is baked in the happy place that she calls her kitchen. 

I'm not a great pizza maker but I know the content you feel in baking pizza with your own hands. But how good would it be if you replace the store-bought pizza sauce with a fresh homemade sauce? I mean nothing wrong with the store-bought ones but if you wanna showcase your great cooking and baking skills then why hesitate to try making the sauce at home, its absolutely fun, easy, and pretty quick to make like it literally take 5-7 mins to whip up and ready to be spread on the pizza, not to mention the delicious aroma that fills your house while the pizza is bakin'. I mean store-bought pizza sauces could never, you know. 
Truss me, it's even more simple than you think plus it's only a one-time task. PREPARE IT and PRESERVE IT. Make sure you use the superior quality fresh red tomatoes for this. Yeah, the juicy ones. 


➤Olive oil- 3 tbsp
➤6 Fresh, red tomatoes- medium-sized
➤Tomato paste- 70gm
➤1 Onion-  medium-sized, roughly chopped
➤4-5 Garlic cloves
➤Oregano and thyme- 1 tsp each
➤Red chili flakes- 1/2 tsp
➤Hot sauce- 1 tbsp
White vinegar- 2 tbsp

1. In a pot, simmer the tomatoes until they are soft and delicate. Cool them down the peel off the cover.

2. Throw the peeled tomatoes, tomato paste, onion, garlic cloves, oregano, thyme, chili flakes, hot sauce, and vinegar in a blender. Add a lil water and grind into a fine smooth paste.

3. Next, in a saucepan add olive oil. Pour the paste and cook for a couple of minutes until you get the thick consistency of the paste and the oil starts to appear on the top. You can sprinkle a lil salt, it's completely optional since the saltiness from the vinegar is already there. Once it cools down, store it in a glass bottle and preserve it in the refrigerator and each time you bake your pizza, simply slap a few spoonfuls and spread. Sprinkle your preferred toppings and looots and looots of cheese, of course. Throw the pizza in the oven, hold your drool, and wait for the beauty to come out perfectly baked and ready. 

❥ The sauce can stay fresh for up to a month in the refrigerator.
❥  To avoid spoilage DO NOT use a wet spoon. Your sauce will stay fresh for longer this way.

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