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Want To Know The Secret Behind Soft Plumpy Lips? Try This Organic Homemade Lip Serum

It's always an argument on the topic of using store-bought lip-balms and serums mainly due to their harsh chemical properties and ineffectiveness. But during peak summer time due to lack of water content in the body your lips start to dry out and the same issue is faced during winters; chapped and flaky lips. As irritating as it may feel, you still continue to use the lipbalms from store knowing well they aren't benefitting you with your cause. But there is a solution to your chapped and dry lips and its right in your home. What if you try to resort to using only homemade lip serums and just stop using the chemically made lipbalms? Let me tell yo how simple it is to make with minimal ingredients and is just worthwhile. Speaking of effectiveness, yes it is absolutely effective and free of chemicals. This Lip serum recipe was simply experimental but surprisingly it turned-out to be a wonder for me. With just 3 basic ingredients this lip serum was ready in no time. Rose has medici

My Experience With Hair Removal MEthods + The Best Suited Method

A brief history of hair removal
Since ancient times, facial hair removal was a norm followed by many women. It was considered to be a method of beautifying oneself which initially started in ancient Egypt. The Egyptian women used beeswax, sugar wax, pumice rock, and tweezers to pluck their body and facial hair.

In Rome, the wealthier and upper-class men and women used tweezers, creams, and stones to remove their hair, in fact, the pubic hair was too considered uncivilized among the elite class. 
Coming to the middle ages, just as Cleopatra was a trend maker in her times, Queen Elizbeth I preceded to remove facial hair, and seeing her it became a norm for women to remove their hair as well. In this era, the trend to completely pluck off the eyebrows began. 

In the 1700s many women did not pay heed to remove body hair. By the end of the 18th-century, Jean Jacques Perret was a french barber invented a more civilized method of hair removal using razors which were primarily used by men but women eventually started using it as it was much more convenient than waxing or plucking. 

In 1844, Dr. Gouraud created one of the first depilatory creams called Poudre Subtile. 

In 1915, Gillette created the first razor specifically for women, the Milady Decolletée. 
The early 1900’s also published ads for depilatory cream that hit the masses. In 1907 an ad for X-Bazin Depilatory Powder began circulating, that promised to remove ‘humiliating growth of hair on the face, neck, and arms’. 
During the 1950s, hair removal became more publically accepted. Since many depilatory creams were found to cause skin irritation, women relied on razors to shave their legs and underarms and tweezers to groom and shape their eyebrows. 

Wax strips made their début in the 1960s and quickly became the method of choice for removing unwanted hair under the arms and on legs. 

The first laser hair removal method hit the market in the mid-sixties but was quickly abandoned due to its skin-damaging tendencies. 

Hair removal methods that I tried

LadyShave was the first hair removal device I used to shave off my legs. No doubt LadyShaves are easy to be used and safe as well and due to the very reason, LadyShaves are widely used by women. LadyShaves can also be used on wet skin but I do not prefer using LadyShaves since it takes a great deal of time and patience to clean the blades, dry them well and put the LadyShaves back in place so I switched to shaving with a razor. My pink LadyShaves from PHILIPS (the exact same one in the picture) is still lying around somewhere at home but I haven't seen it in years. 

Depilatory creams
Soon after I dropped the epilator, I resorted to using depilatory creams for hands and legs. Veet and Nair are the two applicable choices for me. Some say that depilatory creams darken the sensitive areas such as underarms and bikini line, well I'm not sure about it. Some may also be allergic to it but I found that technique to be quick as well as painless. I use these brands for hands, legs, underarms, and bikini line hair removal and I can't be more satisfied with these. 

Homemade sugar wax
My mother used sugar wax to wax my forearms and to date that was my most painful hair removal experience. Salute to the girls who sit comfortably on lounge chairs while their legs and hands get waxed. I've never again dared to try waxing my body whatsoever. But later upon hearing from my friends and watching tutorials on youtube it came to my knowledge that if you see dots of blood or redness on the waxed area (which I did) then it means your wax wasn't made correctly and also that you didn't moisture well after the whole session. But it could also be that my skin is much more sensitive than others so certainly waxing was a bad decision for me.

As soon as my mum pulled the wax off my arm I nearly died with pain and rushed to the bathroom to shave off my rest of the hair. FYI this was also my first. well, my hands felt smooth but since I wasn't accustomed to shaving my arms I still had a few hair here and there, and throughout my journey from Oman to India, I itched and scratched my hands so mercilessly that upon reaching India I pulled back my sleeves to find little blood clots and redness all over my two forearms. Well, my irregularly shaven arms were more than enough to ruin my entire flight journey. Now the itching part is understandable since I did not shave my arms evenly and secondly I did not moisturize them well. But so far shaving is cool for me since it's quick and easy (you may also slightly cut yourself if you aren't careful enough). For the razor to smoothly shave the area you need to first either use foam or just soap but DON'T ever dry shave since it doesn't cut the hair from the surface and the tip of the hair will not be blunt which will again cause irritation. I use high-quality razors to shave off my hands, legs, and bikini line. However, I never use these razors on my face and I have something much more satisfying that use for my facial hair. 

FLAWLESS facial hair removal device
In 2018, my sister sent the infamous hair removal device from FLAWLESS that she purchased online. Every YouTuber and beauty guru tried this device and its amazing results that they achieved. This device received positive feedbacks from customers primarily due to the ease in installing it and just how smoothly it slides down your skin. I used this device for a good 7-8 months and let me tell you this was the first time ever that I removed my facial hair. The results were so very astonishing I couldn't be more happier to see my face smooth and flawless for the very first time in forever. Silently, I sent prayers to my sister. But then the day came when the thing slipped from my hands. It fell. And broke. I tried and tried to fix it, but I lost hope. That's it, I had to dispose. Now that I got used to my smooth hairless facial skin I wanted to keep it that way. So once again I tried waxing, but this time it was my face. I wish someone just stopped me from doing so (not that I was gonna listen to them or anything) I wouldn't have at least ruined my skin. The first time I wax my face with homemade sugar wax, I consoled myself by saying it'll hurt, your skin will burn but it's totally okay. HELL NO! it's not okay at all. Yes it was painful I can endure the pain but what about my skin feeling rough with small bumps at first which later developed into pimples and redness? I already said waxing is a bad decision for me. I knew it was all due to waxing but didn't tell this to my mum or she would discourage me from further ruining my skin. I simply tried to ignore the fact that waxing had caused my skin to mutilate. But it was all gone once I stopped waxing and started drinking my Miracle Drink. Check out how this miracle drink helped me get my beautiful and flawless skin back. I dumped my sugar wax and strips and resorted to another method that I adopted before I finally settle on one and my last best-suited method. 

Spring tweezer
So the spring tweezer was my second last hair removal object. My question to those who use this spring, how do you endure the pain? And why would you do that to your skin? Honestly, that was the worst method for me. Even worse than sugar wax because even though sugar wax was painful it would come out in an instant but the spring just keeps pulling your hair from the root ever so slowly. I used the spring on my face alone because I had no other option until the time when I found out the safest and most favorable and preferable method for my facial skin.

I also used the tweezer that comes in your manicure set to pluck off my unibrow. But tweezing is altogether just very very painful especially for a skin-like mine so toss it into the bin. You don't need that anymore!

Facial hair removal method that best suited me

Facial razors from Tinkle
Aaand last but not the least, facial razors from Tinkle are by far the most comfortable, easy to use, handy, safe, and affordable hair removal method. When I first watched a review video on youtube I quickly asked my sister to send me these cute-looking razors, which she probably ordered from Amazon. Upon using these razors I noticed how smooth my skin felt as the razor slid smoothly against my skin and shaved off the tiny vellus hair, that we commonly call "peach fuzz". Your skin is fuzz-free and it blends the makeup perfectly. Surprisingly, these razors can be used more than once and the blades are designed in such a way that they don't cut through your skin even if you accidentally put too much pressure. The blades very precisely shape your brows and shave hair even from the curve of your nose. If you would like to experience it yourself then check out by clicking the following link:

Drop in the comments the method for hair removal that best suited you and don't forget to check out my 

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