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Want To Know The Secret Behind Soft Plumpy Lips? Try This Organic Homemade Lip Serum

It's always an argument on the topic of using store-bought lip-balms and serums mainly due to their harsh chemical properties and ineffectiveness. But during peak summer time due to lack of water content in the body your lips start to dry out and the same issue is faced during winters; chapped and flaky lips. As irritating as it may feel, you still continue to use the lipbalms from store knowing well they aren't benefitting you with your cause. But there is a solution to your chapped and dry lips and its right in your home. What if you try to resort to using only homemade lip serums and just stop using the chemically made lipbalms? Let me tell yo how simple it is to make with minimal ingredients and is just worthwhile. Speaking of effectiveness, yes it is absolutely effective and free of chemicals. This Lip serum recipe was simply experimental but surprisingly it turned-out to be a wonder for me. With just 3 basic ingredients this lip serum was ready in no time. Rose has medici

My Accidental Discovery Of The Miracle Drink Amd It's Jaw-dropping Benefits

Being quarantined for months now, we've all become fat chickens or couch potatoes or just whatever you feel like calling yourself out of disgust. If you tell me that on an average the most researched topic on google by women these days is "hOw tO lOse wEigHt" then you are not wrong. Who doesn't wanna eat endlessly without gaining a pound??? *whispering* well there are a bunch of them who struggle to gain weight you know? and for them is my blogpost Healthy Weight Gaining Foods. This blog will be quite helpful for those who wanna put on a few healthy pounds.
Now let's start off with what the above phenomenal drink has done for me. As always I was searching for weight loss/fat cutter morning drinks/smoothies and I've heard a lot of buzz about the celery juice. Since I live in Oman and celery isn't as widely availed as it is in some of the outer countries, I searched up what's the closest and an alternative to celery and I found coriander to have similar properties as celery. I quickly jotted down a few other ingredients that are helpful in weight loss and the next day I was ready to prepare this incredible drink I came up with.

As I already said my very aim to try this formula was absolutely for weigh loss. But hey something magical happened and it stunned me beyond my imagination and so I wanted to share my story with you.

Now I need to tell you a Lil back story before I go ahead with the ingredients of this drink and its mindblowing advantages. So back in 2018, I started using Flawless facial hair removal device, that my sister sent me. It was my first-time removal facial hair and also using a hair removal device on my face. so I was obviously overjoyed seeing the results. In a span of a few months I became quite used to feeling my skin hairless and smooth. One day the unimaginable happened. My flawless device bRoKe. And these devices weren't very popular around me so I didn't know where to buy em from. So ultimately I switched to other hair removing techniques like plucking and waxing. Plucking was however very painful so I chose to wAx mY fAcE. Yeah, it won't be scary for some but it was for me. I suppose I didn't make the wax exactly how it should be and the reactions it did to my skin are beyond explanation. I can't begin to describe how rough my skin became. Lil pimples and redness of the skin due to itching were the two big signs my skin was deteriorating. No matter how much I tried to keep breakouts at bay, the blemishes still popped up anyway. I started to ignore the fact that it was all due to waxing because my mum wouldn't ever let me touch anything to my facial skin if she ever comes to know how I f*cked up.

During this time, with the aim of losing weight, I adopted a habit of having this magical drink first thing in the morning and BoOoOoM!! only a week after drinking this juice I found a great difference in my facial skin. It was A-L-L C-L-E-A-R! like baaam not only the pimple and redness resolved but it even left my skin glowing and glistening. At that time I knew it for once that this is f-r-e-a-k-i-n-g IT.

All the ingredients that went into this drink have astonishing effects on your skin, no doubt. So lemme drop the ingredients below:


➤Fresh coriander- 1 small bunch/ 2 cups

➤Fresh mint leaves- a handful
➤Cucumber- 7-8 slices
➤Ginger- a thumb size
➤1/2 a lime

Throw all these into a blender and blend on high speed. Add a Lil water about 1/3 or so and blend until you get the juice like consistency

NOTE:❥This drink should be the first thing you consume in the morning. Wait for half an hour. Meanwhile, prepare your breakfast and just a reminder, eat a healthy breakfast because fried food or canned food straight up in the morning can make your efforts go in vain.

It is all about having a friendly conversation here at DULCIE DREAM! I would love to hear you share your thoughts, ideas, and projects that you tried out.

Comment below and be sure to check back again, because I make every possible effort to reply back to your comments.


  1. I am for sure goona try this. Plus this doesn't have yucky spinach in it. Love you 💖

    1. Absolutely! The skin health benefits besides fat-loss are in-numerous.


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