
Want To Know The Secret Behind Soft Plumpy Lips? Try This Organic Homemade Lip Serum

It's always an argument on the topic of using store-bought lip-balms and serums mainly due to their harsh chemical properties and ineffectiveness. But during peak summer time due to lack of water content in the body your lips start to dry out and the same issue is faced during winters; chapped and flaky lips. As irritating as it may feel, you still continue to use the lipbalms from store knowing well they aren't benefitting you with your cause.

But there is a solution to your chapped and dry lips and its right in your home. What if you try to resort to using only homemade lip serums and just stop using the chemically made lipbalms? Let me tell yo how simple it is to make with minimal ingredients and is just worthwhile. Speaking of effectiveness, yes it is absolutely effective and free of chemicals.

This Lip serum recipe was simply experimental but surprisingly it turned-out to be a wonder for me. With just 3 basic ingredients this lip serum was ready in no time. Rose has medicinal properties which works wonders for skin and especially for the lips. It moisturizes and gives a rosy tint to your lips. Beetroot is added to give the extra tint to the serum and oil once again acts as a moisturizer for the lips. Combinedly, these three ingredient act as a perfect moisturizer and a natural pigmenting agent for the lips.

Now for the serum you'll need:


Coconut/olive oil- 3 tbsp
Fresh Beetroot- 1/2 tsp, finely chopped
Fresh/Sundried rose petals- 1 tsp, crushed
Lip gloss tube/ roll on bottle

1. In a small china dish, heat oil. Just hot enough, not boiling.

2. Turn off the heat then add beetroot and rose petals.

3. Cover with a lid and let it rest in shade. Let the rose petals and beetroot chunks get infused well in the oil for a couple of days. 

4. Occasionally stir the contents since the beetroot pigment sometimes gets settled at the bottom.

5. Get a roll-on bottle or a lip gloss tube and strain the oil carefully into the bottle. You can even add a few crushed dried rose petals into the bottle but its totally optional.


❥The serum can stay fresh for a good 2 to 3 months.

❥Store in a cool and dry place
